Since marketing drives sales, and you need to track sales results to prove it, wouldn’t it make the most sense to do it all in a single system? Your lists are already in the sales database. Your customer data and purchase history are also there. And to top it all off, your resulting sales from each new campaign will be there as well.
This is why Activ8 Commerce is committed to providing you more functionality our single system. List building becomes easier. Campaign results analysis is more complete. Our end-to-end solution will simplify your life and provide more accurate results.
Parse your list
Activ8 Commerce provides over 18,000 searchable data fields. No other system comes close. Now your ability to zero in on the right set of buyers will drastically improve your campaign performance.
Multiple method marketing
Activ8 Commerce makes two digital marketing methods available to you:
- Email Marketing
- Text Message Marketing (SMS and MMS)
Automated or drip marketing
You can also send your marketing messages at just the right time. Scheduled searches pickup on the most recent sales activity and delivers your message without your team members’ direct interaction. Activ8’s search and schedule functions let you tell the system what to search for, when to perform the search and what message template to send. It will even ask you if you want to drip this message once or on a recurring basis.
Built right into Activ8 Cloud is a drawer just for Marketing. You can see exactly how each email performed – who received or didn’t – who opened it – who clicked it – who bought it. There’s even visibility at the order level to let you know exactly how much money you made from each email event.
Put an end to reconciling multiple systems. Enjoy our single system approach!